Cavalor® Venus is an herbal extract that supports the mare’s fertility cycle, helping to alleviate the effects of irregular ovulation
Key Features
- A natural alternative to support your mare hormonally
- Alleviates the effects of irregular hormone fluctuations and ovulation
- Contains a herbal blend of Vitamin B6, Magnesium, dandelion, yarrow and common hops that aid in calming the nervous system and relaxing the muscles
- Marjoram and Chaste Berry work to harmonize the mares hormones whilst supporting a regular and balanced cycle
- No need for gloves as completely natural!
Hormonal fluctuations during their complex fertility cycle can make mares very restless and uncomfortable. Stubbornness and irritability, but also stiffness and other physical discomforts are characteristic of mares in oestrus. The impact this has on sports performance and trust between rider and horse is not to be underestimated. Cavalor® Venus doesn’t block their cycle, it just creates a more regular one. The calmer and more regular is the cycle, the more pleasant your mare will be. Cavalor® Venus is composed of several natural active ingredients that support the metabolism during the cycle, suppress characteristic (negative) behaviour during oestrus and provide overall relaxation for both mind and body. You’ll experience a totally different horse, one that feels better in her own skin