Hannah Klep

My name is Hannah Klep, I’m a 21 year old 4* Eventer based in Canberra. I have a super team of horses ranging from Intro level to FEI4*. I started riding when I was 8 years old at Gooromon Park before getting my first horse at 10 years old. I did my first eventing competition at 13 and never looked back. I finished year 12 and spent 18 months training with Olympic medallist Shane Rose in Sydney. In 2019 I travelled overseas and represented Australia on the Young Rider Team with my horse "Reprieve" before moving back to Canberra to start my own business. Now riding full time I start early at the racetrack before spending the day riding a range of performance horses and coaching in-between travelling to train with the Eventing High Performance Squad and competitions.
Here's some more fun facts about Hannah...!
Discipline(s): Eventing
Suburb/State: Canberra, ACT
Started riding: 8 years old when I received 5 riding lessons at Gooromon park riding school for my birthday!
No or Horses owned and/or ridden: Tulara Chicouve (CCI3*), Reprieve (CCI4*) & Kenlock Sandro Sky (4yo young event horse) are the current horses I own.
Most memorable riding moment? Winning the 2019 and 2020 Young Rider CCI3* at Wallaby Hill and being on the Australian Young Rider winning team in Taupo NZ.
What would be your daily routine?
I wake up at 3:30am and head to Thoroughbred Park where I ride track work for multiple trainers. This is my favourite part of the day. There is something about being up before the sun rises and the rest of the world awakens that is peaceful and refreshing.
When I finish at the track around 9am I head home to start riding my own few horses. The afternoons are spent coaching at home or travelling to clients to coach & ride.
What would you say to inspire any young or old riders?
Anything is possible if you have enough nerve so don’t be afraid to chase your dreams!
Goals for 2021:
There are many things on the radar for 2021. I am keen to get my new young horse out eventing and hope to get a couple of horses back down to Adelaide 3 Day Event at the end of the year.
Why Trailrace?
The quality of all products at Trailrace is second to none and you can’t beat a friendly family run business.
Which product or products do you like most at Trailrace? The Equipe saddlery and my gorgeous Kask helmet, I can no longer imagine riding without these two products!